Non definito: |
Communities ----------------------------------------------------------- We do not accept no-export community; Any other communities are deleted! Communities accepted from customers are in range 60280:1000 - 60280:1999 Community Meaning 60280:101x when announcing to Rostelecom, Moscow, Russia 60280:102x when announcing to DE-CIX, Frankfurt, Germany 60280:103x when announcing to Exatel, Warsaw, Poland 60280:104x when announcing to DATA-IX, Moscow, Russia 60280:105x when announcing to Megafon, Moscow, Russia 60280:106x when announcing to TransneftTelecom, Moscow, Russia 60280:107x when announcing to Level3 60280:108x when announcing to Google 60280:109x when announcing to RETN, Moscow, Russia 60280:110x when announcing to NAUKANET, Moscow, Russia 60280:111x when announcing to PITER-IX, Sankt-Peterburg, Russia 60280:112x when announcing to MSK-IX, Moscow, Russia 60280:113x reserved for International peers 60280:114x reserved for International peers 60280:116x reserved for International peers 60280:117x reserved for International peers 60280:118x reserved for International peers 60280:119x reserved for International peers 60280:151x when announcing to DATA-HATA, Minsk, Belarus 60280:152x reserved for National peers 60280:153x reserved for National peers 60280:154x reserved for National peers 60280:155x reserved for National peers 60280:156x reserved for National peers 60280:157x reserved for National peers 60280:158x reserved for National peers 60280:159x reserved for National peers 60280:150x when announcing to all of the International peers (60280:10xx,60280:11xx, 60280:12xx, 60280:13xx, 60280:14xx) 60280:100x Summary of total all peers x=0 - Do not advertise x=1,2,3,4,5 - Add prepend 60280 1,2,3,4 or 5 times x=9 - Backup community. Set lowest possible local preference, except private peers 60280:666 - Blackhole community Internal informational communities, advertised to customers 60280:20[0,1,2,3]x - international peers 60280:20[4,5,6,7]x - national peers x - sequence number with no hidden meaning 60280:2000 - Rostelecom 60280:2001 - DE-CIX 60280:2002 - Exatel 60280:2003 - DATA-IX 60280:2004 - Megafon 60280:2005 - TransneftTelecom 60280:2006 - Level3 60280:2007 - Google 60280:2008 - RETN 60280:2009 - PITER-IX 60280:2010 - Digital-One 60280:2011 - Apple 60280:2012 - MSK-IX 60280:2013 - TWITCH 60280:2014 - MAIL-RU 60280:2015 - CDNVIDEO 60280:2016 - Facebook 60280:2017 - Valve 60280:2018 - DigitalOne 60280:2019 - Telegram 60280:2020 - RUTUBE 60280:2021 - DATA-HATA 60280:2022 - reserved 60280:2040 - Business Network 60280:2041 - beCloud 60280:2042 - reserved 60280:2043 - reserved 60280:2100 - AS-NTEC (direct bgp clients) 60280:60280 - AS60280 itself --------------UPSTREAMS-------------- -------------------------------------------------------- --------------IX's-------------- --------------PEER's-------------- --------------CUSTOMERS-------------- |